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Knights of Malta in the Dominican Republic … ar-meisce.com 15th of March, 2006 ANTE·MERIDIEM 11:46

I had the weirdest dream last night; it involved finding out that the Dominican Republic, that chunk of Hispaniola that isn’t entirely hell on earth, was formally the possession of the Knights of Malta, though maintaining democratic structures like elections and a parliament. And the Knights, the Malteser† Ritter as they’re known here, in this alternative universe are not the entire laughing stock (as a quasi-national entity, not as a charity doing good works) they are in our own, and the prospect of Bavarian nobles travelling to this Caribbean island and taking on government responsibility, makes me laugh, for some reason.

I’ve just bought ar-meisce.com and, together with fuсκ.com (note the Cyrillic), that makes two domains I should be doing something useful with that I’m not. I’m taking suggestions!

Word of the day: Олим is Tajik for “scientist” and is eerily similar to the Irish word for the same thing, “Eolaí.”

† Don’t laugh, it’s the normal form for an adjective derived from a place name.

I should probably mention for the sake of random people Googl™ing that the Dominican Republic, in our world, is indeed a republic, and not run by the Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta.

Set up ar-meisce.com to be a second webblog consisting solely of drunken posts from various pubs via your mobile. Hell, even create user accounts for your mates. You have to be drunk to post and you have to quote how much you’ve had each time. Typos are NOT allowed.

Set up ar-meisce.com to be a second weblog consisting solely of drunken posts from various pubs via your mobile. Hell, even create user accounts for your mates. You have to be drunk to post and you have to quote how much you’ve had each time. Typos are NOT allowed.

Dupes would be encouraged, though! Actually, I’m really into that idea. Now, an SMS-to-email gateway for it is something I’d need to look into.

Now, of course the dupe thingy is really my problem. Sometimes I say to myself that re-inventing the wheel is probably a waste of time on some level; and sometimes I’d be right.

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