5th of June, 2003 ANTE·MERIDIEM 10:39
Working on the assumption that the disturbance of the previous entry was related to actual illness (the concept’s pretty foreign to me; other people catch debilitating bugs, I don’t) I got home after work yesterday and went straight to sleep. At 4pm. So, I got up this morning at 5.30am, and I’m feeling much better, thankfully.
Around half seven yesterday evening, I was woken up by my housemates all being there and making noise, as you do. The sun was streaming through the window, my phone said it was 19.35on the 4th; but today was the third, wasn’t it? And it can’t be half-past seven in the evening; it’s far too bright, and my housemates are only ever all here in the morning before work. And I was sleeping on my mobile phone, so maybe it was turned off and on again. So, five minutes straight of sheer panic, then I realised that a) my alarm clock said 7.35 and b) it’s June, so it’s allowed be bright at 7.30 in the evening.
NB; if Bush manages to get Israel and Palestine to behave like civilised human beings, he has my respect. And if, as it is rumoured, Blair supported the invasion of Iraq to get this happening, he has my awe.
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