Seiten 27–36, „Tadschikisch Wort für Wort“, von Michael
Cyrillic version of those examples from pages 27 to 36 that are only
available in the Roman alphabet in the book, with English translations
of the meanings.
Themes of this section; Verbs and tenses, «ҳастам»
‘to be’, «доштан» ‘to have’, tense
forms for regular verbs, the present and near future, the perfect, and
the imperfect.
- Рафтан: To go
- Кардан: To make
- Нӯшидан: To drink
- Ҳастам: To be
- Ҳастам: I am
- Ҳасти: You (familiar) are
- Ҳаст: He, she, it is.
- Ҳастем: We are
- Ҳастед: You (plural, and distancing
singular) are
- Ҳастанд: They are
- Ман студент ҳастам: I am a student
- Мо студент ҳастем: We are students
- Шумо студент ҳастед: You are
student(s) ["s" depending in English on whether the form is plural
or distancing singular, of course.]
- Ман студентам: I am a student
[alternative form.]
- Мо студентем: We are students.
- (Ман) …–ам: I am …
- (Ту) …–и: You are …
- (Ӯ/Вай) …–аст: He, she, it is.
- (Мо) …–ем: We are
- (Шумо) …–ед/–етон: You [plural
and distant] are
- (Онҳо) …–анд: They are.
- Нестам: I am not
- Нести: You are not
- Нест: He/she/it is not
- Нестед/нестетон: You [plural and
distant] are not
- Нестанд: They are not
- Будам: I was
- Буди: You were
- Буд: He, she, it was
- Будем: We were
- Будед/Будетон : You [plural and
distant] were
- Буданд: They were
- Набудам: I was not.
- Ман студент нестам: I am not a
- Ман студент будам: I was a
- Доштан: To have
- Дорам: I have
- Дори: You have
- Дорад: He, she, it has
- Дорем: We have
- Доред: You [plural and distant]
- Доранд: They have
- Ман вақт дорам: I have time
- Ӯ билет дорад: He has a ticket
- Ман вақт надорам: I don’t have
- Ӯ билет надорад: He doesn’t have a
- Доштам: I had
- Дошти: You had
- Дошт: He, she had
- Доштем: We had
- Доштед: You [plural and distant]
- Доштанд: They had
- Ӯ дӯст дошт: He had a friend
- Ман таб доштам: I had fever
- Ӯ дӯст надошт: He had no friend
- Ман таб надоштам: I didn’t have a
fever .
- Рафтан, рав: To go
- Кардан, кун: To make
- Мондан, мон: To remain
- Нӯшидан, нӯш: To drink
- Донистан, дон: To know, to kenn
- Ме–: Prefix meaning a verb form
refers to an event that is constant, often or just now.
- Будан: To be
- Ман намекунам: I am not making
- Ту намерави: You’re not going.
Aidan Kehoe
Last modified: Wed Feb 11 22:09:25 GMT 2009