Seiten 1–26, „Tadschikisch Wort für Wort“, von Michael
This page gives in Cyrillic those examples from pages 1 to 26 that are
only available in the Roman alphabet in the book. I also give
English translations of the meanings, which are, of course, in German
in the original.
Themes dealt with in this section; foreword, instructions for use,
phonetic script and pronunciation, nouns, demonstratives, adjectives,
Ман вақт/билет дорам،
من وقت دارم:
I have time/a ticket.
тозӣ забон
زَبانی تاجیکی:
: Tajik language
Забони тоҷикӣ
زَبانی تاجیکی:
: Tajik language
بَرادَر : Brother (note that the vowels here
differ from those in Steingass, but I confirmed them with a native
: Mother
- Духтар: Daughter
- Падар: Father
- Нав: New
- Нӯҳ: Nine
- Ту: You (familiar)
- Не: No
- Хона: House, room
- Панҷ: Five
- Се: Three
- Ғарб: West
- Баҳор: Spring (the season)
- Як: One, a
- Ангур: Grapes
- Нома: Letter (a document)
- Қишлоқ: Village
- Абрӯ: Brow
- Сафед: White
- Спорт: Sport
- Студент: Student
Newspaper (cognate with ‘journal,’ presumably via Russian and
- Зан: Woman
- МанЬ: Forbidden
- Албатта: Naturally, of course
- Даст: Hand
- Чанд: How many
- Заиф: Weak
- Дорухона: Pharmacy
- Банк: Bank
- Нон: Bread
- Автобус: Bus
- Ин: That (thing) there
- Таом: To eat
- Магазин: Shop
- Меҳмонхона: Hotel
- Касалхона: Hospital
- Почта: Post office
Шумо … доред?:
Do you have … ?
Инҷо … ҳастми?:
Is there … (here) ?
- Ҳа, ҳаст.: Yes, there is.
- Не, нест.: No, there isn't.
… дар куҷо аст?:
Where is … ?
Ба ман … лозим аст.:
I need ….
- Китоб: Book
- Муаллим: Male teacher
- Муаллима: Female teacher
- Талаба: Schoolboy
- Толиба: Schoolgirl
- Барзагов: Bull
- Гов: Cow
- Хурӯс: Cockerel
- Мурғ: Hen
‘Wether’ is what Oxford-Duden gives for „der Hammel“, but that word
normally means ‘castrated ram’ in English. I suspect it’s ‘ram.’
- Меш: Sheep
Male doctor (of medicine)
Female doctor (of medicine)
- Гурбан нар: Tomcat
- Гурбан мода: Katze
- Саги нар: (Male) dog
- Саги мода: Bitch
- Духтар: (also) Girl, young woman
Духтарҳо, духтарон:
Girls, young women.
- Одам: Person
- Одамҳо: People
- Талабагон: Schoolchildren
- Одамҳое:
(Some) people [with the definite article, which is
possible in the plural.]
- Якчанд дақиқа: A few minutes
- Ин: This, these
- Он: That, those
Ҳамин, ҳамон:
The same [thing], the same [things]
- Ин духтар: This girl
- Ин духтарҳо: These girls
- Он зан: This woman
- Он занон: These women
- Ҳамин сол: The same year
- Ҳамин солҳо: The same years
- Ман: I
- Ту: You (singular and familiar)
- Ӯ or Вай: He, she, it
- Мо: We
You (plural, or distancing singular)
- Онҳо: They
Ман не, балки ту:
Not me, but you.
- Ба ту: To you
- Туро: You (in the accusative)
Аз ту:
From you, perhaps ‘yours’ if I’m to trust the German
- Ба ӯ: To him, to her, to it
- Ӯро: Him, her, it
Аз ӯ:
From him, her, it; perhaps his, her, its.
- Маро: Me, to me
(Trailing <i> used to indicate a possessed, an owned, object.)
- Хонаи дӯст: The friend’s house
- ШеЪри Гёте: Goethe’s poetry
- Модари ман: My mother
- Дӯсти ту: Your friend
- Кишвари мо: Our country
Ин шлапа моли ман аст:
This hat is mine.
- Модарам: My mother
- Дӯстам: Your friend (familiar)
- Кишварамон: Our country
- Хонаям: My house
- Китобҳоям: My books
- Духтари зебо: The pretty girl
- Шаҳри калон: The big town
- Нони сафед: The white bread
- Костюми нав: The new suit
Духтарҳои зебо:
The beautiful girl
- Қолини нави зебо: The new,
beautiful carpet
- Китоби нави аҷоибе: A new,
interesting book.
- Ман ин галстуки нави сиёҳро чарам:
I bought this new, black tie.
- Сафед: White
- Нили: Blue
- Зард: Yellow
- Сабз: Green
- Норанҷи: Orange
- Хокистари: Grey
- Сурх: Red
- Ало: Colourful
- бунафш, нофармон: Violet
- Дорчини, қаҳваранг: Brown
- Гулоби: Pink
- Сиёҳ: Black
- Шаҳри калонтар: The bigger town.
- Калонтарин: The biggest
- Арзонтарин: The cheapest
- Хуб, беҳтар, беҳтарин: Good,
better, the best
- Ва: And
- Баробар: The same
- Музаффар ва Муҳаммад баробар баланданд:
Musaffar is just as big as Muhammad
- Назар ба: In comparison to
- Назар ба Душанбе Берлин калонтар аст:
Berlin is bigger than Dushanbe.
Aidan Kehoe
Last modified: Wed Feb 11 22:09:22 GMT 2009